Case Study: 3-Year-old baby resident of Mumbai, was brought by her parents, approximately 10 months ago with the history of frequent cough, cold, wheezing and feverish attacks. She was being treated by good pediatricians and family physicians with Antibiotics, Cough Syrup, Anti allergic medications and sometimes with steroids. Almost for two years.
She was hardly breast fed for 3 to 4 months and thereafter was on cow’s milk and later food was introduced in step wise manner. Well vaccinated. But when she came first, her weight was 11.2 Kg and was very cranky. I explained the root cause of her frequent respiratory complaints is dairy.
Milk and milk products (irrespective of cow’s Breed like A1 or A2 etc.) And I convinced her parents and grandparents too to discontinue all milk products for few months. Initially they were scared and thought that she will become weak will lose her bone muscle strength and will hamper her growth.
But finally, looking at her deterring conditions and frequent usage of Antibiotic’s, they agreed and stopped animal milk and milk products and started her with Chemical Free Almond milk, Cashew curd. And to their surprise, in first one month itself, she started showing good recovery.
Thereafter only one self-limiting episode of minor cold happened. But there after she constantly improved, today her weight is also 13.5 kg. (almost 2 kg gain in one year). And her growth is also good. Her chest is clear, no more running nose. Her crankiness also reduced. Such a lovely smile on her innocent face, makes me grateful to my mentors, who taught me about Plant based Diet.
If your child is also suffering from such issues of cough, cold, asthma, sinus and allergies then do contact me for the proper diet.