A 21-Year-old Male with Hypothyroid, came on 21st December 2024 with purplish rashes, itching and continuously increasing in numbers for almost 8 months. Tried allopathy but no relief.
Treatment: Gave him few of the selected herbal immune modulators and plant based diet. I’m thankful to him, he followed it almost, for one month. (Only one occasion he had ice-cream and once he had fish).
Result:: His weight was 68.6 kg and today, on 28.01.25 his weight is 66.2 kg and rashes became lighter, no new rashes and itching completely stopped. Only twice he has to take Bilastine in first week. Looked more fresh and confident.
Asked to re do thyroid levels.
Conclusion: Lichen Planus (LP) is an autoimmune disease in which basal layer is damaged by our own immunity, probably dairy may trigger the inflammation and TH2 specific immunity to trigger antibodies formation. As in one month his itching has stopped completely and no appearance of new rashes plus lightening of existing rashes, indicate favourable response. And in next few months, if plant based diet continued, auto immune process of LP should be reversed.