Efficacy of Plant based diet on Acute Pancreatitis

Efficacy of Plant based diet on Acute Pancreatitis

Female age 14 years came to me on 2nd Feb 2024 for her relapsing pancreatitis. Which was diagnosed first in 2022. Acute pancreatitis due to birth defect (Bifid pancreas). She has multiple hospital admissions and emergency treatment. For first few months, even I could not give desired results in spite of giving her best of Ayurveda Medicines.

Treatment: But from June 2024, when I first came to know about Plant based diet, I asked her mother to stop all dairy, including ghee and non-veg completely. There was lots of resistance so slowly I withdrew the food stuffs. Family could witness the remarkable difference in her pain and other behavioral changes. From August 2024 there are no major episodes. Only once she got acute pain due to eating food at some marriage function.
But it was self-limiting controlled by simple drops of Jeevan mixture. She is still fond of butter milk which still she consumes a little once in a week. When she was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis in 2022, her weight was around 39 kg. But when she came to me in Feb 2024, her weight was around 33 kg. Today her weight is 38 kg. Much better active, attends school regularly. Not on any steroids or any modern drugs. Even I’m giving simple Ayurveda Medicines to maintain her balance of Vata Pitta.

Conclusion: Acute pancreatitis can be very well managed with Plant based nondairy diet.

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