Effect of Plant based diet and Evidence based Ayurveda treatment on Chemotherapy induced mouth Ulcers

57 Years old male came to me in December 2023 for dysphagia, especially on drinking water and nasal regurgitation with nasal sounds on talking, so asked to do CT scan of the throat and chest and it picked up a mass in Pharynx. I referred him to Tata for further diagnosis and treatment. He received all chemotherapy and radiation for his ca pharynx till June 2024. But unfortunately in August 2024 PET scan showed mets in the lungs so he received immunotherapy but unfortunately after three months per scan showed mets growths in the lungs so he was again told to have immunotherapy and chemotherapy both.

He could hardly take two cycles as developed severe constipation, Stomatitis and mouth ulcers and Candida infection on younger with fibrosis of buccal mucosa. Hence he again approached me on 31 December 2024. I immediately put him on our Plant based diet and A silver nano particle mouth wash and few herbals Medicine to reduce Pitta in 2 weeks his mouth opening improved, ulcers and redness started reducing. (he had received flucanazole in December but there was no relief) in order to confirm the DD his broncoalveolar lavage was done and material was sent for Histopath in Jan 2025.

 Fortunately, after all reports up to 6 weeks, there was no TB bacteria were grown nor any malignancy was seen in BAL. So it was a confusion to subject him for further chemo or not.

Treatment: He continued my treatment along with plant based diet (Mainly Smoothies and pulp of fruits, Vegetable soup, Chia seed water, no dairy no sugar no bakery) and his mouth opening improved. Ulcers totally disappeared and weight also started improving due to improved eating.

Now waiting for the next plan, does he really need Chemo or immunotherapy? If BAL is negative for malignancy?

Conclusion: Chemo induced ulcers and candida thrush and mucositis can be managed well with plant based vegan diet and Evidence based herbal treatment.

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