38 years old lacto-vegetarian female, resident of Mumbai consulted me in the month of August 2024 for her complaints of excessive hair fall, thinning of hair and bad allergic bronchial Asthma.
With the Ayurveda treatment and diet, she improved in her Allergies considerably and hair fall to some extent; hence in the month of October she inquired, if I can provide her Ayurveda treatment for her Primary infertility. (Married for 7 years and did not conceive once). Spouse reports were normal.
And tried multiple options but all in vain and before opting for Costly IVF, she wanted to try Ayurveda. I asked for the reports and saw that Her AMH was 0.25 and her TSH was 5.83 she had poor menstrual flow too. And had high social and family stress due to primary infertility. Hence was ready to follow stricter plant based diet. Which I started her, approximately in the month of October 2024. Diet strictly excluded all dairy, Ghee, bakery, sugars and sweets. From December 2024 I put her on breakfast- smoothies of leafy vegetables and fruits like banana pineapple. Followed by fruits after two hours, if hungry. Lunch had all salads, minimal oil cooked veggies, millet roti, Sprouts, and curry from the curd of Almond milk (As she being Gujarati, was hooked to butter milk and curry), Avocado chutney. Snacks of fruits and dry fruits. Tea of almond milk and Dinner included rice, veggies and soups
Out of almost 120 days, she followed the diet on maximum days. As she missed her Menstrual date in the February 2025, she checked her UPT which was happily positive, but in order to confirm further, I checked her beta HCG and AMH again. And HCG was very high and even AMH was increased by almost double. (from 0.25 to 0.45).
Entire family was very happy and me too.
Conclusion – Proper plant based diet and evidence based Ayurveda treatment can help to conceive, even at Low AMH. More such case studies are needed to observe the effect of this protocol.
Thanks to all the teachers who taught me Plant based diet.
Dr. Nitin R. Kochar