- Don’t be afraid off, don’t be in panic, that affected person will die of corona infection.
- Follow the guidelines published by the Government to prevent the spread and to take self-care .
- There are no proven ” Anti Corona” allopathy / Anti corona Herbs / Anti corona Homeopathy medicines.
- We can improve our immunity by following
- Regular exercise
- Exposure to Sunlight fresh air
- Drink plenty of water (pl talk to your doctor)
- Have at least two fruits per day and 8 to 10 almonds, walnuts
- fresh vegetables and washed salads
- Milk, Paneer, Homemade Buttermilk, Pulses, Homemade Ghee,
- Certain ” standardized herbal extracts ” are known to improve the self-immunity by increasing phagocytic – means Germs kilning (Micro-organisms and Viruses killing) capacity of our immune cells -(namely of Macrophages, Neutrophils and T Lymphocytes).
So these herbs can be taken. Pl discuss with your physician. E. Tinospora, Andrographis, Chirayata, Turmeric, Ashwagandha etc all are proven in various modern laboratory and clinical trials to improve Immunity and overall health and quality of life of patients.
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