At present India has burden of almost 72 million diabetic and equal number of Pre diabetic patients. It has been taught and nurtured that once diabetic, its lifetime diabetic with medicines insulin keep on increasing to keep sugar levels under tight control. But surprisingly it has been evidently observed that if diabetic person adopts a plant based nondairy vegan diet, it not only helps to control sugar but also to reduce the number of drugs and complications of diabetes. Whole plant based food diet also helps to improve quality of life and to control other parameters like of high cholesterol and blood pressure and hypothyroidism and over weight.
Correctly consumed plant based diet does not cause protein or muscle or bone In fact it improves over all body physic and makes person more calmer and quiet too.
Here are my cases which are successfully treated with plant based diet and scientifically proven safe herbal medicines.
Case Study: 1
History and complaints:
Female, aged 65 years, resident of Mumbai, her son called me on 8th Dec 2024 for his mother about the complaints of increased urination and loss of weight and weakness so asked to check sugars at nearby laboratory. On 10th December they came with the reports of FBS: 461 and PLBS: 537.
Honestly I was tempted to refer him to diabetologist for Insulin and all other anti diabetics. But as she was reluctant to take insulin , and gave assurance to me to follow the plant based vegan diet.
So gave her only Metformin 500 mg TDS and one of my herbal formulation. Plus asked her to check all other organ parameters and b12 D3 levels. Which were low so added supplements.
Took the consent of son for all diet and explained the risk etc. and asked to strictly report me sugar checking
- Day 1 (20.12.2024): Glucometer showed H1 means very high above 500 plus. (it took ten days to them to buy the machine) and they did not start full diet as prescribed (Smoothies, to stop milk in tea) but when she saw the numbers, immediately family strictly started implementing.
- Day 2 (23.12.2024): PLBS : 480
- Day 3 (24.12.2024): 446
- Day 5 (26.12.2024): 491
- Day 6 (27.12.2024): 323
- Day 7 (30.12.2024): 311 immediately after ten minutes of the lunch
- Day 8 (31.12.2024) Fasting: 246
- Day 9 (2.01.2025) Post lunch: 118
- Day 24 (12.01.2025) Post lunch: 112
Her most of the post lunch are checked in the evening around 7.00 pm as son returns from the job and checks. So all the timings are almost same except one. So 10th Dec sugars were 535 and today in 20 days came down to 118. No insulin no sulfonulurias and or any other medications. Except Glyciphage SR 500 and my one Ayurveda medicine.
Observation and discussion:
Type 2 Diabetes of such high levels *Responded well with Plant based diet and only one simplest Medicine.
Case Study: 2
Young lady of age 35 on diabetic medicines for long and unable to control sugars in spite of regularly taking them. But after following the plant based vegan diet read the results in her own words:
Hello Sir
Good morning!
Met diabetologist ..she was surprised to see results..
From 9.3 to 6.2 hba1c
She has reduced my meds 🙂
Thank you Sir
Case Study: 3
My father, Justice Rajan Kochar, age 83 years, diabetic for many years. Past history of major Thalamic stroke and was on multiple drugs plus insulin.
Stopped Insulin, Glimipiride, Pioglitazone. Now only on Metformin and Valdagliptin and almost a vegan non dairy diet.
In two months, HbA1c dropped to 7.8. from 9.5 which never came to this level, even with insulin on.
Case Study: 4
A man 45 years of age, first time diagnosed with high post lunch sugars 400 plus.
Started with plant based vegan diet and few herbal medicines. After one week of plant based vegan diet his post lunch sugar came down to less than 200. NO ALLOPATHY MEDICNES.
Case Study: 5
A male patient age 45, resident of Mumbai, well built, no thyroid and asymptomatic. On routine office examination found to have very high sugars. FBS: 241. Post Luch: 435 and HbA1C: 10.6. Family history of type 2 DM to mother. Though needed, he was reluctant to start anti-diabetic allopathic drugs, so came to me on 30th Dec 2024 with one of the references from the positively treated case.
I explained him the root cause of his diabetes and explained the importance of diet. So put him on plant based diet and fewer herbal medicines to improve metabolim. He agreed and started with the same.
So readings are as follows:
30th December 2024
Post lunch: 435
5th Jan 2025
Post Lunch: 180
10th Jan 2025
Fasting: 145 (Had Pasta and Omlette previous night)
Post Lunch: 129
He is trying his best to follow the diet
Observation: Plant based Diet helps to control sugars effectively
Disclaimers: The case is for study purposes. Results vary from patient to patient. Please do not discontinue your on going medicines insulin etc without consulting your doctor.
Dr. Nitin Kochar (MD Ayurveda) and (Whole food plant based diet Consultant)