Ayurveda Treatment for Asthma

Best Ayurveda Treatment For Asthma Allergy and Broncho Pain Management


Many patients experience morning sneezing, asthma, or shortness of breath due to allergies of Dust, Fumes, Whether changes or Food ( In Ayurveda this kind of allergy to such is called Anurja. )
These reactions occur due to a person’s poor digestive power, resulting in large quantities of Kafa (phlegm)and Pitta (Vitiated bile ) accumulating in their respiratory system. Which causes inflammation and followed by allergic signs symptoms.
Anti-allergic medicines are often used to alleviate these symptoms, they may be essential in acute conditions but they are not effective to prevent further episodes of Asthma and allergies.

Which makes person dependent on drugs like steroids and anti Histamines. And long term use of these is coupled with side effects.
Ayurveda suggests that the root cause of the problem must be understood and treated.


Like turmeric, ginger, and Pipli can improve digestion and reduce excess kafa and pitta. Liquorice and chitrak can help remove excess phlegm, while Kantakari and Shallaki plants can modulate allergy specific immunity and reduces inflammation. ( without suppressing immunity like steroids do)

Somalata can help narrowed or constricted airways and tract to open or dilate.
To treat these allergies, “Broncopen” is 100 percent pure herbal formulation made by the modern technology and with the standardised herbal extracts.
patients can gradually taper off their ongoing allopathy medicines after consultation with their treating physician and based on the improvement of health and reduction in their symptoms of allergies etc.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Asthma Allergy and Broncho Management:

  1. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance Healthy diet and regular moderate exercise alongside medicine.
  2. Avoiding certain foods that generate phlegm and pitta can improve digestion and reduce vata.
  3. Consuming rice during fasting and green moong can help reduce vata and clean the stomach.
  4. Consuming dal and moong khichdi before dinner can also aid digestion.
  5. Pranayama Yogasana, a good posture that increases respiratory system capacity, can help manage Asthma and Allergies.
  6. Ashwagandha, a component of the medicine, can help quit smoking and reduce excessive phlegm accumulation.
  7. Tab Broncopen is effective for various diseases like allergic runny nose, sinus asthma, COPD, smokers’ cough, ILD and various respiratory infections.
  8. Combining the medicine with diet and Pranayam Yogasana can yield positive results.

Watch the video on Herbal Ayurveda treatment for Asthma Allergy


  1. Proper personalised diet and Exercise
  2. ⁠Standardised herbal extracts, as present in Tab. Broncopen.
    (Definitely will help to manage Asthma and allergies without having any dependency.)
Please Note: Tab Broncopen does not contain any Chemical Steroids, free from Heavy metal and does not contain any allopathy medicines. One need to be patience to have effect. Do not discontinue on going allopathy medicines abruptly and without consulting physician.
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